Scans for the Month

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Days Before the New Year

I highly recommend finding those you love and can grow with. Espicilly in a community. When i find myself doing this and growing with others i love, this is what happieness is. AKA love.
Please share what your passion towards life is with others remembering that they love you. Relationships have been changing and with 2011 i have many hopes but can see some fear on the horizion, send love to help all of us who need strenght through the peril of tomorrow.
The world is living and OUR contries are strating over again with brand new ideas, mostly old, and mostly not new at all. We have much change happening.

My brother asked me, What are four things that will change? Why is this time important??

We will see progress not always in our favor in every social relationship we have, the world economy is changing faster and faster, powers are shifting. We are still at war, do not forget. Now it is the world and more not just what the TV says. The biggest war is happening on our own lands. Inside us. And Technology, Tablets to cars, to Phones and gadgets. Silicon is a friend hopefully to its end. Rapid and more rapid growth in hardware turning into software. Even the sky will change.

These four you say...hmm, this seems important, but there is so much more as well..

These four have always been happening, correct there is more and its all changing daily. We are a race as a whole. EVERY breathing thing on this planet. Children of Gia, I love you.
Please share your compassion as i am, hopefully our love will be heard.

PreK TeaKay

Hollow Earth theory's
(check this out)

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