Scans for the Month

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Title's be one and let it begun

Title's be one and let it begun

the missory the glory of conquoring this kingdom

its a vision we all see.

we can do this? said the father

"My boy i told you i love you and it isnt our decission.
whispered the grandfather.

this is a true morn and to be born your son will be

for the clarity


 for one other


a grand lad who grew into love


the messanger for Allah


This universe...
what little and wonder we know but every secont is a glory of chaos


these many universes...
what can we see, and feel, and become.


The ever flowing cycle of metamorphis...
where we age and birth from one light


Decending angels and gods...
bring wisdom power and gifts.

All of this is something great that we can all understand.
amazement and tears
nothing you guess is right or wrong
in powerful thinking we can make one and two
it seems the future can be many things
and not for all is love

never the less my brother we will be together forever even when its on this planet.
Thank you father, you are welcome my my son.
baby/grandson/child/teen/man/father/uncles/grandfathers/great/grandfather/soul/spirit/however death comes/we will live somehow
in love arms and loveing
and being loved

The Future the son and father saw
is no longer in existence
for the act of change writes A future
and it will be replace when it fails
into new

bad grammar and spelling,
want to do third grade again to be top of the class
this is a saga of experiences
from wild to insane, and calm not afraid
im glad to write this and now know it is down

TinKer bell

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