Scans for the Month

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What the Media has been Blamed for, reasonably..

               from now on every time i yell 'god damn it!' i will follow that exclamation with '..and he said nope. :)'
by saying this i admit my foul mouth and i remember i meant god to damn nothing, only i'm upset with whatever it may be and the first words i think of are ' God damn it!'
its just a habit and an easily repeatable sound associated with the guttural noise uuuaargh!! announced when one is distress or overwhelmed with emotion.

this make me think about how much we repeat things without a true understanding of what we say and convey. So many time i have caught myself REPEATING what the mass media, or news, or people of more power has told me. or at least what i heard. Usually what they told me, told me to repeat. the more you preach the more you reach/// the greater number of your mass audience your not only entering there mind/belief system your having a chance of them passing on our statement.
not all knowledge of control is used for "evil" or malevolent purpose, but for spreading a personally relevant perception deemably based to promote wellness. I amuse this is good or bad because, for one, as an audience we have a role in what we choose to believe. THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH WHETHER YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE OR NOT. unless you bring in the question that reality is a perception therefore there is no truth for it is biased and a constant infinite personal belief. -- it is a creation of the conscience once analyzed or observed.
aside from that stream of fascinating logic we are solely responsible for our thoughts. beliefs, actions upon how we choose to act (repeat, HOW WE CHOOSE TO ACT)  on the subject at hand. so we cannot blame others for lie-ing to us, but we can disregard what they say and do the same for future encounters of there deliberate lies or falsely stated philosophizes.

But if someone force-ably, against the individuals will, places and salitafied a view into someones mind, fact or fiction.. this person is a victim and cannot be deemed responsible for there action and/or believed knowledge on the matter. this could be demonstrated various ways via brainwashing, mind control, memory erasing, torture, re-programing or physical manipulation.. i dunno maybe physical surgery or devices to sequence a stop/start in actual thought...i don't know if that last part is possible or not, now.
but who would have such power and expenses to pull off such a terrible task?? Again be it good nor bad, this is a crime against some ones freedom, and ability to operate. For this is completely possible and has been done, who could/would do this. its happened and i have no knowledge of anyone being sentenced for committing this..

whoever has the right to take away some ones freedom away, even briefly, is breaking the law or at least committing a horrible crime to a fellow human.

Benjamin Franklin said--

-"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

BenJamin Franklin, in 1759

thanks for ur time,

1 comment:

  1. Our subconscious [sic] mind is a collection of Bayesian machines which continuously update probabilities for 'what happens next'. The Bayesian probability works like this"
    1. propose a clear hypothesis - write it down.
    2. compare the evidence for this hypothesis as more likely or less likely *given the hypothesis*.
    3. update the original hypothesis based on the new evidence.

    My brain is doing this constantly. I can be directed to update any hypothesis if I choose awareness of this process. Knowing how I know what I know improves what I know *provisionally* while I wait for improved (but still provisional) knowing.


please speak!!