Scans for the Month

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Vision into theTemple of Infinite Light :'-D

my house then above my neighborhood.
above Austin, above central Texas.
Above Texas zooming out seeing the gulf coast and Mexico.
now i see the globe and clouds around the Americas.
 our planet rests as one being.
We are nature, like a limb or moving blood cells. we need to protect her.
from us.

zooming out again, now i see the time tunnel 4D 
our planet disappears and the solar system flashes by past Pluto 

lights shimmer as i smile in my chair :)

Now The Milky Way Galaxy
a beaut' spiral wonder. 
Perfect for the many civilizations that inhabit her/him/it
Still it vanishes in the time tunnel and i zoom above even more.

Galaxies upon galaxies fly by each other
some collide in massive bright explosions.

I zoom out even MORE
i began to realize i'm not zooming out
i'm expanding and absorbing this infinite structure of Time-Space

The masses of what is becomes a unit of which 'i am'

Then i see it..The known universe.. all of it in a huge void of what ever exists beyond.
what an amazing structure. So much life.

a flash appears and here fades a circle of the simply complex beautiful shape

Im in a dark room
with on light

That light is surrounding this room and in it is everything.
the eternal internal infinite of action and thought.

In this room i sit at the table with my arms resting on the table.
rings of light on my hand.
blue smiles :)

I feel and become aware of the presence of others..
my guides, my families, my angels and guardians <3
we are all connected to the source itself <3 <3 <3

'Hello Friends' i say for i remember who they are and i feel there love.
like nothing i have felt on this planet in this reality.
'FRIENDS??!?!?' one yelps with glee,
'But we are family!! have you forgotten you are in and we are of????

I smile and chuckle, with a tear in each eye.
they know me well and have seen me become many things.

'We remember why you chose to spawn to this 3D world of Gaia,
you will remember too brother, and sister.
You asked us for our blessing and advice..
we told you of our support and what a great undertaking it would be to you!!
We offered to be with you and gave you our hands.

they sat around the table in the dark but glowing smiling at me, with me

You can see that you create don't you now?? :)
We are with you. and is Meta, (he winks*)
 And in our 'time' of existence
which you may began to understand..
you left us to learn from earth but a few minutes ago.
and we smile watching you fail haha

i chuckle and shake my head with there playful fun.

You are with us and have much aid.
Return whenever to this. 

after that i minimized and returned directly to my chair sitting facing the night sky on my back porch.
i wiped each tear from my eyes and smiled, remembering i am loved by SO many
and SUCH a powerful force it would seem overwhelming if not being accepted 

With Loveing LoveLight and Tk
Thanks for reading, i send blessings to your growth 
"You are where you need to be."

1 comment:

  1. What you are talking about is 'bounded infinity' called a Cantor Set. Imagine every positive number to +infinity and every negative number to -infinity. Put each number in a little box. There are a countable number of boxes even though the numbers themselves are infinite in extent. Cantor sets are contained inside of the Mandelbrot set. I can count the boxes (pixels on a screen for Mandelbrot sets) but I can never count all the possible countable numbers to infinity. But you have poetic licence so dream on brother and break me off another piece of that stuff.


please speak!!