Scans for the Month

Friday, October 29, 2010

Comparing Faith Between Love

i've never had a strong spiritual connection before i was going through life looking only to myself, being an asshole and greedly using others i said i liked, now i look back and saw i had, i just didnt recognize it.

for me i found love, the pure engery emotion and faith that everything will be okay, to be the connection between everyone and possibly whatever comes next. i have NO idea what is out there, after life, heven hell? an eternal circle, reincarnation, or just blank nothing.  Or the mind. And i dont want to spend my numberd days making myself obsess about it, i could get to into it for myself.

this was something use love, to remember that what ever is next is basically up to my desscion on what to make out of it, or inturpret.  no one can make u cry, or smile it is your choice from experiance to let it get to u or inlighten you. if i am filled with love whatever next i will try and face it with the memories i have, and the courage to believe- that every thing is going to be okay.

there are the three main parts of our brains.
1. the reptile part- bases mostly on instinct, decission, flight or flight, and selfpreserrvation or protective instinct.

2. the animal- more with emotions. happy, love, fear, loss. and basing things with a more concience thought, except, not sure of who or what they are. No sense of time or the future. they think about only the near future in priorities- whats for dinner i need food, my leg is hurt i should go heal, and i love my baby you cant hurt her.

3. the "new brain" which ONLY, us huminoids, primates, other huminoids, or something we havent discovered yet. this has a sense of time, memory, emotions, rationalizing instincts, planning and dealing.  the ability LEARNING is a sign of high intelegence.

i have also heard  that we have our Conscience thoughts, and our Subconscience thoughts. which being the conscience thoughs are our general thinking and analizing. decisions and passing ideas. Where our subconscience keeps the facts, it dosent taint our perceptions of what we see, hear, feel, smell--what are reality is. the SUBc. absorbs and is there but we arnt all aware of these messages AKA what we believe we are thinking.

so i see that we have these two different parts of us to enterpret everything, the C and the SubC. i feel that LOVE is which emotion i wish to fill me with, that is me loving myself and everyone around me. i want as hippiest this sounds "everyone to love eachother,"
If mymind, who i am, loves its self then, which is always have i needed to remember it,, then it has and will protect me--the survival instinct from the reptillian part.
and my SubC loves me so it will protect me from myself, and how to stay mentally fit.

for me the mind is everything. after it all it is our connection with what we know, with everything. this is why i wish to be and live with LOVE. and i have faith everything is going to be okay.

love from ur homefry

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