Scans for the Month

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Tthhee Ppaarrttyy iiss Oovveerr"


Everyone is leaving and the house smells like burnt cigarettes and split beer. You still stay, glass in hand.
You watch the moonlight flicker off the pools water, it come closer to you. You may feel alone but you know there are still a few "friends" left at this party.
Now you watch your friends dog sleep, and her collar shimmers as you see your breathe before you.
an old friend kneels beside you and he whispers in your ear.. you understand, but for some reason you don't remember who he is, but you know him well, and are glad to not be alone..
he shows you...
In the future i see a calm hand, this hand rests on your shoulder and pleasantly reassures you of your successful efforts. For you have done wonderfully :)
In ways only you know you have done great, and at this point, in the future, you are grown and breathing.
You began a change, to become what you sought, back then..and in this change you never knew that it would take you here.
you didn't know back then what you truly wanted, now you are becoming.
and you are doing wonderfully :)

You now see others opening there eyes, and whenever you encounter or see someone who is awake, you have even more hope for yourself. That you can do this. You CAN beat the demon and live your dreams.

to live without fear is to live.
If you have any doubt that to live your dream wouldn't be worth it, this is a fabricated lie
don't believe what they have always told you.
This speaks within..

If you live your dream you will have to conquer fear, ALL fear. So, in doing so you have nothing to tempt you into corrupting your vast powerful glory. Your dream was never to hurt people, so you wont.
so you don't have to hurt people..
even if for the only reason to not hurt others is to not hurt yourself.

In the future you have started back at square one, and have seen what your ways were.
 to see the past is a reminder of the power you have, and what that power can help/hurt you to create tomorrow.
tomorrow is the future. 
thats why we have it on our calendars.

so tomorrow we will wash the makeup off your face and fill your belly with healthy food and let you enjoy the daylight. Things are over now, and are nothing is happening.
the party is over honey, its time to go home.
Your friend leaves and his footsteps softly disappear into the amazing nothingness. the party IS over..
You grab your girlfriends and pull one's head out of the sink, wiping the slime from her lips.
As you giver her a mean look you see she is drunk, tired and drunk. defencless
you tell her..
"Okay come on now honey its okay, the party is over."

"Tthhee Ppaarrttyy Iiss Oovveerr"

much love dreams are meant to be dreamed
<3 TeeKay

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