Scans for the Month

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Everything is the Same Because it Isnt

That's Warfare 

I would have to say i havent had much to talk about but alot has been happening, maybe.
i have been running into people i havent seen in a while. usually by doing somthing different then i usually would.
but i see many differences in others and myself

i told my father in a dark car as we left an important place, that in my effort in discovering who i am, i must see who you are.. I need to see who everyone else is in order to make a solid opinion of what is YOU and what is ME.

i made that statement out loud. i will speak my thoughts in order to inforce them by planting memories and reinforcing my idea into my cranium. I spoke that to my dad for he knows me the best. i need to see what he knows of me.

Everyone we knows see's a part of us we don't..but not always. we may find we know what others see but there opinion we never can see. we live in duality and empathy is a powerful emotion and it may bring unification to thought..yet we still dream alone. This isnt sad, this is the past.

Everyone i know and have ever met, have ever made eye contact with..maybe even anyone who has heard, seen, thgought or dreampt of me has info on who, and what i am.

that question hasnt been aswered to mankind as a whole, i would like to know of course. thus i began my waking up stage.

I want to see what others see to try and catch a glimpse of my reflection. the mirror image of my external perspective. maybe they have some idea?? Probably not ha, again i remember that i know me best, even better than my father.

But i dont know all of me, yet..or maybe somewhere i forgot.

I found parts of me in programed shattered lands i made sure were closed

There was Elsa, there was the place by the lake, there was drugs, there was a building and at the top floor was a big supprise, there was Wolf Mountain.

These places are gone. they collapsed from lack of nutrition. they were real only to me. There was a science and maintenece to it that i must carry. I gave up most of the guilt, and solved problems with living solutions. I entered the haze and loved the maze i made.

I created. And it was insanity. I dont disagree that i am unstable at times, or that i have been inside my mind very deep. But alot of things shouldn't be, and never did and if i am to explain i would deem myself insane.

One thing i will say about living halfway in a dream.. or dreaming halfway in life, is that there is a very similar order to everything that happens through us. You know what i speak of, there is at least one underlined detail that apears in things that dont make sense. And its a good thing, i smile.

What is insanity? never ending laughter, and a different perspective. combine the two and you have a charismatic patient with a talent in mocking the sane.

a friend also told me what schizophrenia is, It is absolute brilliance, followed by terror and insanity.

i strayed from what i meant to say, i noticed in others recently that there was a similar change, across teh board. When i changed they did too.

love tk,
and kirk i hope u get a kick out of this
its from the depths ;-P



  1. By seeking virtue and having compassion I become virtuous and compassionate. Follow the path. It is not a path.


please speak!!