Scans for the Month

Monday, April 25, 2011

Movements Inside Time

I would like to talk about time again.
as in duration and the passing of moments, 
and how the future is a direct effect on decisions and actions.
its order against clocks, and bias towards mass.
and about my somewhat shared perspective on eternal presence.

History has gaps, authors notes, and rewrites from whoever won the war. I accept my past and my nations and hope for the best in our future. We have had two World Wars since "modern man" has taken control of the worlds humanoid population, we kinda dominated all mammals too :-/ may the future bring a unified and peaceful ecological world without poverty, hunger, and fear :) ... i say this with respect for those gone.


Measurement by seconds i find bothersome, hours, minutes, days, weeks. I agree with the laws, and attributes of TIME not with clocks or the accepted measurement. The second is a chosen length of a moment cut out of a rotation on our axis and orbiting moon. The second is linked to a duration of a Cesium atom's ground level. This is not accurate to our orbit around our central star the Sun because the spin of our planet is slowing down. After major earthquakes like the Chilean quake a few years back, the spin of our planet is affected and messes with our 'not so consistent' time readings. Also time is relative to begin with, thus i dislike clocks and every time i look at my wristwatch i understand my conforming to mans laws. 

This is somewhat criticism, part info, and mostly opinion based like fox news. I didn't capitalize the F in fox nor the N in news. oh dear, i think i need to capitalize the S in Sarcasm though.. :)

We find ourselves looking up at the wall our in the bottom corner of our computer screen daily, hourly to see what the time is. How long till lunch, when am i off work, i have a meeting when? I spent some time outside a while back without a clock and left my cellphone away. I had no knowledge of seconds other that counting 120 bpm with my house fist pump. 
I was with my mutt Kobe and i saw time pass by the occasional breeze shaking the tree tops, the wistle of a bird, and natures call. I now prefer to measure time by 'moment to moment' every action creates the next. All actions i make are in acumulation of all i have experienced in the past. The future and past trigger thoughts and  invoke emotions about things. Every action effects the next actions, every single action happening is due to a previous action, thought, movement.. etc

 once i do this, then that will do this, then this, then this, then this......

Moment by moment makes more sense than a set spacetime movement between the start and ending of a second. I experienced sitting with my dog and giving him a rub down in that moment i was thinking of him and my day. Next a rabbit ran across the yard my dog picked up his ears and slowly stood up looking to see it. In that moment we broke away from our relaxed time a series of things may take place, he may run to chase the rabbit opening to infinity, after that he could find him in the wood pile again opening another infinite possibilities of next sequences, and he could then introduce himself to the rabbit and invite him for coffee, the rabbit has infinite options of what to do but he declines properly for in his past he had a bad experience with coffee from strangers. When two people meet it is like chemistry exploding into a big bang of senerios of what may be as a result from they day before they were born and since the dawn and beyond of time itself. These very actions of my typing these words have already changed tomorrow and affected the future in unthinkable proportions big or little. The butterfly effect. 
Alas my dog gave the back yard a menacing look and burped and lawed back down awaiting a belly rub. I was happy to be part of his decisions

Again we are soul-ly responsible for our suffering and pain

as well as the endless bliss filled love i believe awaits us all eventually <3

Now i am currently trying/beginning to understand what living in the moment is. And through states of heightened awareness, deemed psychosis, toxin conditions i have come to a conclusion with many more to come, that time is always now, the future is now as well as the i just need to explain and 'prove' / understand how this is. I see this in geometry, love, and life.

Being in a moment you are greeted with 'it'
'it' stays with you into the next moments as well as the last before.
'it' is infinite and was, is, shall be.
'It' isn't physical for all 3D things wear down, even instantly.

I look forward to sharing my findings and corrections of these thoughts :)

blissful blessings
Knowledge from Metatron
findings of lovelight
<3 Thadeous Knoxford. 


  1. Wow TK thanks for this post. I really needed to be reminded that all I can do is live in the moment. I've been getting stressed out lately worrying about the future and how to manage my life.

  2. We have conscious awareness or 'perception' well after the phenomena of 'sensation'. Sensation happens at the speed of light, the speed of sound and the speed of contact with objects. Perception lags sensation or 'real time' so that we can - after the fact of our 'acting' or 'being' in real time. Waking Life is several seconds behind Real Life or monkey life. Behaviors can be changed so that our Subsurface self-plex acts in almost real time - certainly with less latency than Waking Life response. I am programmed to perform. I am programed to explain my performance after instincts motivated my behavior. Behavior is an algorithm that does not count on my Waking Life autobiography.

    Circadian rhythms come from the solar system and even one celled animals are tuned to it. We were given our sense of time by DNA.


please speak!!