Scans for the Month

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Sun Rained Fire


It seems i am having nightmares again, but it isn't that bad for i have pleasant dreams as well, and even in the bad ones i have hope and keep going on.
Last night was the 19th of April 2011 and fell asleep fast after meditating, i guess ill talk about the meditation experience first.

Beauty. The meditations i do before sleep are powerful and moving. I only co-create these visions its more like a gift and a form of art. I have to look for them and focus to find them. Lately i have seen ancient pyramids a lot and last night i saw beam of vertical light like shining out of the peak vertex of a pyramid. there was a storm and much rain. I saw crumbling structures and sad peoples emotions of tears and like it was 'the worst day for this' i thought that line. I thought of the Merkaba inside the pyramid which i saw and remembered from a youtube video speech about the subject.
I was greeted with Metatrons cube again but i focused on its never ending expansion and i disappeared into a hallway, tunnel of geometry where i saw shapes stretching into forever lines of symmetry, beautiful indeed. But hard to focus on at times, it is directly connected to my focus on nothing-ness and/or one thought or lack there of. But if i become distracted it disappears and i begin to look at the back of my eyelids again. Ill upload a picture here of what some scenes look like...

Metatron's Cube
Pillar of light from Pyramid and another in the background

My Dream...

There were two i would like to mention last night that i had. One of them was cool, Kirk i tried to look at my hands and did. In the dream i was captured by the people that i work with and there bosses which represented 'The Man' they took me into a dungeon and shot a chemical into me that would make me fall asleep instantly and have horrible side effects and nightmares. Another inmate told me not to fight it and get comfortable and you will be passed out soon. I did this and as i fell asleep from the shot in my dream i went into a different realm and into the real prison. They drugged me and the real prison was in a world where only i was in in a wet lab room. I remembered i was asleep in the dream but wasn't aware i was in a dream before that (i think the movie inception messed with me :-D hah)
I looked at my hands and remembered what my friend Kirk told me, that my hands would look different. They did. As i held my palms before me there were purple/lavender whirlpool vortex's in the center of each hand. I remembered that i was in prison and i heard children singing and laughing, this was unsettling. I knew not to be afraid so i took a deep breath and the room began to spin, i was escaping the punishment by enjoying the new realm i was in.
I don't remember any of that dream after that, kinda sorta.

My second Dream...

I was at home with my family and the sky was dark but the sun was out, it was ominous if thats the right word. The day was like a global disaster the TV and radio and all electronics failed and we were looking outside. The sun was having huge solar flares and it was damaging the surface of earth. Me and my dad were outside with Kobe our dog, we looked ant the sun had a huge flash of light and we heard our neighbors scream. Seconds later fire exploded on the ground in huge bursts from the suns wave. It hit me, my dad, and kobe, it only hit my arm a bit i was on the back porch, my dad was hurt a bit but okay. The skin on Kobe's back tore off and was very burned, he saw fire on the ground and tried to eat it, he didn't know what it was. It burned his head and face and fire came out of his nostrils and eyes. He was yelping and running and falling down. I ran over to him crying while my dad told my sisters and mom to find somewhere to hide. Kobe was hurt bad. I looked up and the sun flashed again so i knew there would be another hit on the ground, the trees and grass was still on fire. I picked Kobe up and yelled to my dad. I brought Kobe inside our kitchen and sat with him by the pantry. He looked at the food and at me and licked his lips. I laughed because the world was on fire and he was thinking " Hey TK, can i have some of your food? Please!?!"

That was the end of what i remember of the dream but the sun looked very cool as it shot HUGE amounts of radiation to Earth.

Also i seem to know if im more likely to have nightmares if i feel more sedated from my medication that is known for inducing bad dreams, the more powerful i feel it in me as i lie down, i usually don't dream of happy critters licking lollypops :-/

But im thankful for storys and knowledge of my fears.

Godbless, Lovelight, Peace, Live long and prosper.
TK <3


  1. Rub your hands together - that helps get really lucid. Practice reality checks when you are wide awake throughout the day. While awake 3-4 times a day stop at each door post and look at the door frame and put your hand on the door knob and try to feel it in your hand as it turns. as you walk through it think about the room you are walking into and look for other doors. Walk through a door you pick out. Ask people you know (the ones with faces, strangers don't have faces) where you are.

    You are doing great.

  2. You didn't follow your epistomolgy of faith to the end - because it would never give you the answer you brought with you to the claim.

    1. Atheism depends on faith
    2. All knowledge derives from faith
    (everyone leaves out #2)
    3. There is a God

    Actually the rules lead to two answers
    a. Theists conjure god via faith
    b. Atheist conjure not-god via faith

    Simple tautology.

    The other approach and the one that usually works is this chestnut.

    Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.

    Lastly - define faith that depends on empirical evidence and falsification and you kill god with a phasor. But you can then say - kirk is THAT KIND of faithful in his devotion to not-god.

    kirk 'awaiting falsification and risky predictions' holden

    I can keep this volley up for a while.

  3. Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby- LOL
    thats awesome kirk HA
    i like your thinking and good diction. Im sure i fully understand you but i don't think you understand my 'posed idea' being..
    atheism takes faith-
    this would have to depend on the definion of atheism, faith, and god.
    I dislike the defined god of major conforming religions thus a good coffee talk is in our future my friend :)


please speak!!