Scans for the Month

Monday, May 9, 2011

Become Aware

You can't think negatively
you will create your own demise
this may seem unjust
but haven't you prayed for this all along??

For your will to be done?
you wanted that new this,
and some more that.
we understand, humbly.

and now you think it may be sensible to worry
for new matters and time cone speeds.
to fear
to freak out.

You may.
for free will and destiny.
not or, but and.
and thy will be done.

I suggest and stress the importance of realization
of internal awareness and for many an i, meditation.
for overwhelming kindness towards all.
I suggest this for your higher self is in agreement as well as i.
sometime only moments. moments make up forever.

Old ways you knew seem to speak of meditation as bull shit
as eastern nonsense.
and that kindness is to be earned and only given to those deserving
That some should never need forgiveness, for they are too far gone and are still in love with there demons
we understand, we were there once.

For what you believe in and don't it remains the same within the truth of all.
Some may say that this God is all forgiving of sinners, and even forgives Satan, for he is a fallen angel.
Then shouldn't we forgive the Devil and how we displayed him into our families and mind?
and shouldn't we forgive those who trespass and hurt us from the minor to major??
and even the worst men on our planet? merely lost and confused.
may we forgive sometimes with all, and sometimes with distance??

We say yes. Our higher selves and me, even if it is for what some call selfish
as in, forgiving to raise our own clarity and conscienceness.
for the sake of ridding pain and dissolving fear
the greatest illusion of all

What you think affects your and everyones future and life.
instantly even without action you thought shapes the future.
Say i think of hurting someone, but don't..
i realize that i could have and this could be a future..
but i didn't so now i live my future knowing i may overcome greed.
my futures path resembles a deeper desire of happiness and unity.

I say again, well WE say again.
Me and my Higher selves as well as you the reader the experiencer observer
YOUR higher self and mine are indeed lovers who lay in the grassy field covered in clovers
and we talk of the past and the pain we believed to give ourselves.
our punishing thoughts that we taught from misleading notions
'hahaha' we chuckle
'aren't we glad that is over, that we were so young.'
'ahhhh..' we sigh for we remember our many births and the many times we fell
learning to walk.
just as we misbehaved.
that was a significant step into this  blissful eternal light.

It may be wise to spread knowledge
but not to force, then you become what you hate about them.
there is a difference.
for those will gain more meaning to come to there own conclusion
than being forced into truthful ideas.
sometimes what is, is what we don't wan't to believe.

Now you know me, i shake you hand
upon you draw back and furrow the brow?
i understand i was there. i'll wait.
no matter how long.
LOVE wins

thank you.. :)
Lovelight, Tk, the Blue Pyramid of Truthful Geometry via Metatron
with bias of course :)

greeting to the tomorrow


  1. The official position of the board of supernatural inquiry in Rome is that Lucifer is an apostate and that forgiveness cannot happen.

  2. wow thats sad and misleading :(
    great way to raise a nation eh ;-)


please speak!!