Scans for the Month

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sleep is for Mortals...

How i fall asleep

0,1 begin
1,2, *1st
2,4, *2nd
4,7, *3rd
7,11, *4th
11,16, *5th
16,22, *6th
22,29, *7th
29,37, *8th
37,46, *9th
46,56, *10th

Mental Math exercises in the blackness of my eyelids. This helps with my memory as well as my patience, as i tire and tame my mind for slumber. All it is is inside and all that is IS inside :)
I also multiply platonic solids into 2D shapes by counting sides and planes..i think that only makes sense to me though. I used to have a tik like behavior when i was in elementary school and a bit last year 2010. I would count obsessively and if i stopped in the middle i became irritated. If the final number totaled diddn't feel "right" i had to add more depth into the shape. What the tik was, i would count surfaces of objects near me. Such as the floor to the floor panel, then to the wall, next whatever surface disrupted the wall and continue to the celling. I would could all sides of the object creating a 3D shape in my head. For instance a cube has 6 sides. ii had to count any angel that divided a plane in two as a new number. This helped a lot with mathematics in school. Also at an early age i learned how to draw depth and perspective 3D shapes. My mother does architectural work and showed me house plans which aided my growth as an artist as well.

Besides from sequential counting and patterns of repetition i also use imagery to seduce my active mind into the dream world. The imagery's use is for relaxing and comfortable sleep, peacefully inside and out.

These are two images i have used recently to relax and drift off...

there is a blue orb resting in space and it spins slowly. A green woman form long legs and arms and glowing descends and land forms.  she smiles, closes her eyes and breathes golden and green shimmering lights and orbs that settle in the field before her. She is Mother Nature. Grass and stone and trees grow from these orbs and the light forms into shape so bushes grow as well. She Stands tall and is see through with long leaves in her hair, she has dark brown-green skin and think lips with dark dark eyes. She is beautiful and welcoming, nurturing, protective. the field before her changes with time as it speeds up. The old dies the new thrives, and eventually a house is built. That house is mine and the forrest in our back yard fills with her magic. I grow up and find myself asleep on the couch in the living room. Her gaze as well as the plants outside see me asleep and having foggy dreams. They crawl towards the house and weave there way into the window onto my bedding. She floats before me green brightening the room. then it becomes quite as her light dims and she wraps mossy sheets of leaves around me in a cocoon. It is warm but not hot, i am in total darkness and protected...zzzzz

The Sleeping Giant-
*note i just watched on PBS a show that was about the Imperial army of terracotta clay soldiers in ancient China*
i was laying in bed with my palms crossed under my head. I saw my body as i focused and scaned it with my mind. Examining every curve from memory and feeling. I saw my face it is was a closed eye pleasant smile. I was frozen stone, grey and slightly ages with cracks along my body. I had fallen over or was burried but i was laying in the sand in a desert. There were observers looking and examining me there. They were amazed and in awe of ho big i was. I was the size of a submarine and had been in the shape of a standing soldier with arms at a bow, a little smile and respectful attire.

sleep is needed for sanity. Try this if u can't sleep well. also being aware daily that i am awake make a big difference for me to remember im dreaming when i am and how to act on that while in the other realm.  props to kirk ;-)
YAWN now i am off to try some more sleep inducing practice -_-'

lovelight, TK

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