Scans for the Month

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Error in Judgment Part, 1

(BTW there is a hidden message in here ;-P)

One of the common most paid jobs require the ability to deceive, confuse, extract details, find and plant truths/lies. The Lawyer. words are very powerful in this nation from top to bottom. Call a friend by the wrong name you now have a new enemy. Even just a few words, written in gold onto a scroll, can mandate law and imprison thousands.

be kind with your words for they affect your future. i will draw a picture of time reacting after an action and coming back instantly...i dunno

i was going to write about how usually we, as humans, say something is stupid and not true because of a predisposition.
not having to do with facts really. especially about taboo topics such as religion, views on homosexuality, interpersonal relations,
i see a lot of this energy coming from political "hot topics" something that makes everyone a tad upset no matter what you say someone is offended.

The usual reasoning behind opinions has little or nothing to do with the truth an "what is" but rather on how our sensitive egos react to the one opposing a question, or the question itself. Bias's, and residual energy.

I am very sad to live in a nation where many, MANY of us get our "opinions" from the quick TV news-like segments. This is not facts but opinions --
"today a bomb went off in the middle east, 11 US men were wounded.."

"today 11 of our best and bravest young soldiers were slaughtered in the middle east by a massive explosion."

while the reporter say this semi-fact she uses her eyebrows and tone along with further sentences to show who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. and what to believe NOT what happened. The news should give you knowledge,facts, and some opinion...for you to make up your own mind!
not for you to agree with everything and statement and spin on how the world is.
sigh i need sleep
and balancing.

a semi-fact is a fact with deserts, and a side salad. excess material

be well, god bless, lovelight
may the force be with you, always


  1. Confirmation bias and motivated reasoning - both reinforce existing belief no matter that new facts reduce the probability of the truth of the existing hypothesis (or conjecture) about any subject. The more distant the threat/opportunity - Congressman X did Y - the more extreme we allow this race for confirmation to become. I don't hold too many fantastic beliefs about my children because knowing the truth is important. Knowing that President X did Y does not get me a free latte at Starbucks - it neither breaks my leg or picks my pocket.

    According to Trivers, our minds are designed for self deception and deception by evolution. I don't seek truth, I seek justification.

  2. I found PhotoBucket (cloud based photo storage) and it generates HTML for animated gifs in blogger. My posts are all cool and stuff now.


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