Scans for the Month

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Magnetic Forces of Benevolent Design


it moves!!

I hold magnets for they remind my desire and inspire my wishes

The Universe is alive but not in the way we see what alive is.
alive means it breathes, eats, thinks, shits, is physical and grows....
The universe is all of this.

*It woke up, the Big Bang is believed to have happened 12-14 billion years ago
It breathes through gamma ray pulses emitting from the center of each galaxy and nebula's the brightest and fastest modulating photon particles in light.
The universe consumes and shits through black holes and wormholes. A black hole eats everything including light/information as well as the varying forms of matter
the Universe is physical and multidimensional, this isn't that far away too. from vibrations we see solidity, we see reflections as well as a concept of the first three dimensions 1D, 2D, 3D
(so far 11D have been discovered)(thats a whole'nother story)
we see physical matter as dense, also matter is affected by governing laws such as Gravity, Electro-Magnetism, time, etc..

It seems the universe is alive for it also grows and is expanding into a beaut' of a nation of nations...
but can it think??

The Universe is so truly amazing not only in appearance, it is a never ending painting in that regard but it is responsive. for one thing lets see what the mind can do?? for the mind is a large part of the universe. Both can only exist if the other does..the universe needs the mind just as the mind needs the universe. its the same thing sometimes 

1. ) Our thoughts affect our destiny, AKA our future is determined by descions of us and others. Our thoughts and emotions/feelings effect the world we live in and more in a way that is so radically familiar to our image of where we sit now. our Aura or our EMF (electro magnetic frequency) field surrounds our body in varying energies that interact and respond to our immediate surroundings as well as everything we have ever experienced, everyone we know is affected by our consciousness. the all encompassing nature of what "is" I good visual is as two talk to each other and feel anger, hostility and speak with foul tongues... they surround the air with a different energy that surges there biochemistry and thought process. you may feel hot, experience adrenaline and pain in the upper stomach, that is fear. This is a heavy low frequency slow modulating energy that when not dealt with will drag you down in all your affairs. this is MAGNETIC towards similar energy of the same desire of out of control suffering. the energy repels loving Hi-fi energies that aware, benevolent, spiritual, understanding minds experience. 

2. ) This conscious thought we create is not always, usually not for the majority of us, aware to the experiencer as he/she thinks. this is an underline want and desire in most that controls everything from relationships to success. What we think we receive..this sounds complex and it is to explain but it is simply as push pull, give take, action reaction.
Some see this as the power of prayer, the law of attraction, thought manifestation, luck, magic, god. I think it is however you understand it and name it, it simply "is"
This affects others how we speak and act around and towards them. we make friends from the push and pull of others through energy/thought. We can spread this either good or bad. 

I learned this when i had one of my strongest hallucinogenic psychotic hours long trip inside my self and mind..that there is only two emotions of core, and that they all stem from this in many different degrees and hierarchy's. there is LOVE and there is FEAR. and fear is an illusion. this means what you make it too.

there was divine intervention, knowledge i might not ever have experienced so for that i am great-full of the fear and paranoia i was given for the following months.

3. ) Answer to posed question !!
~there is no end~~

The universe is more alive then we are i would say. 
the universe does think, responds and simply is a governing force and more for actions we can't understand in our current form of reality.
Send out your thoughts, your desires into that void wayy wayy out there. Keep believing in your dreams and focus. the more you do that the more the universe responds and the more powerful, closer, and faster this will become. To fully complete this as desired we must understand that it will become. not that we try to make our dream become but we have the power to make it our fate. It WILL happen and has in the near moments. This is not made up by me, only how i understand this force that i have experienced. 
this is how i made my dreams that have come true and will continue. i have made my life ideal from where it was, drug addicted, dying mentally, lost friends and family, hopelessly suicidal, overdosing, forced hospitalizations, Torturing psychosis, lies and broke. It ended and changed and was necessary for me to get where i am now.

For this tool, ONLY act upon benevolent desires for the good of all, your own growth, not greedy harmful things. I don' t know what will become otherwise except that regret, karma, and effects will be negative. it might not even be possible. All there is will give for there is plenty love out there. Thy will be done.

*Note the italicized paragraph above is from what i know of science, i haven't been thought school just done my own research. please correct me if i'm wrong i would love to know more. Criticize away :-)! (hit it up Kirk)
i am only a thinker

New Tea filled belly :-P sluuurppp!

thankyou <3


  1. The multiverse has a whoosh pushing toward our kind of complexity. The whoosh forward we experience is called time. The 'forward' direction of time - the second hand on a clock - moves our fermions and boson 'forward' into a space-time 'bent backwards' by non-uniform thermodynamic equilibrium. The old notion of the heat death of the universe (exactly 100% entropy uniformly) will not happen. An example of continuous, spontaneous emergence of a force that is one form of 'whoosh' forward is Hawking radiation from spontaneous matter/anti-matter formation.

    From an observer NOT moving forward in time (i.e. in the direction of increasing entropy; the arrow of time), what our monkey self (meat puppet) becomes each interval is farther away in the advancing arrow of time - we have whooshed forward 'in time' and kept our cosmic environment in homeostasis (if we are prudent and stay sober, don't die in a random traffic accident...). Homeostatis is each organisms stable metabolic average over intervals. I can modulate homeostasis with exercise and diet and meditation... but I am doomed by providence or blessed by providence as regards the meat puppet.

    As you point out - the mind and the universe in each minds model of reality - exist out of time. I can remember the past and the future while I am driving 70 mph texting. I have a past a present and a future. But this is a moving window in time that does not affect our observer making measurements of all intervals of time. For this observer the past is simply a collection of mental states -neural correlates of consciousness - from which minds with experience, cognition and memory can rake and paw over for meaning.

    In a sense, consciousness comprehends vast collections of hetero-instruction state architectures supported by the physical layer of biochemical machines as a holon that supports a vast, meshed network of minds and the technical extensions of mind. This super mind is called The Technium. My recall of phone numbers depends upon cognitive states spread across my Kirk phenotype (inside this bag of skin) and my extended phenotype comprising Android phone, H-P laptop, internet connection, 30 years of experience as an Electrical Engineer, 200 friends on LinkedIn, 50 friends in facebook, 3 followers on Twitter, blog posts and comments on blog posts. AA comprises me and millions of fellow addicts interconnect by a common text with a common method.

    This is the universe available to us in waking life - the rich tapestry of my friends woven over the globe and interconnected for instant communication. I meditate to improve my self which improves my interconnectedness. But there is no 'reason' to connect with my higher power other than THIS IS THE WAY WE ARE BUILT. Our genes and memes direct us to the higher power, the computational nature of the universe.

    I am a program the universe is running.

  2. The other post was the sciency one, here is Tao+Zen version:
    The path is everywhere and nowhere at once. The path - the Tao or the eight fold path - creates a path within us. This chakra imagined the universe which imagined, in a closed loop, the chakra. The attachment to Self and mind-under-self both creates and limits the bodies chakra. This must be; the very idea of a separate body pleads with our mind to keep this cosmic environment steady and cool. As a defined self with suffering caused by all attachments.

    The happiness in our lives comes from our virtue. A virtuous man can find true happiness no matter the circumstance. AA is like that. I can share my suffering and receive immense joy in return. I am the happy alcoholic because I am slowly progressing to perfection. The AA method keeps me sober. But it keeps those around me sober too and that is the trick.

    I have learned that there is a way to face suffering with cheerful service - the AA method. Shared suffering generates it's spirit
    We accepted a gift from the wheel of heaven - sentience and global dominion - which now includes the Tao.


please speak!!