Scans for the Month

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kobe (Bubba') K.

Sunday July 17th, 2011
tonight i write to you with a day of intense emotions under my belt. A great day, perfect. This afternoon my  dog Kobe (Bubba') K. passed away. He was thirteen, had a full life and went out on top. I had made it my upmost priority for his comfort to remain highest while he was becoming ready to leave this physical plane.
I had tears absolutely, which i dreaded many months ago.. today i was ready and prepared. He died resting on my lap with my dad at his side rubbing his belly. He slowly stopped breathing and made it to the end.
I sung to him, which might not have helped :) i was with him for the past 48 hours when i wasn't asleep, i prayed for his departure to be smooth and painless if allowed.
He was a good boy.

He was thirteen, we got him 98' or 87' when me and my sisters were all at home. Our neighbors dog Chelsea had a litter and we wanted one. We played with them all and went over to pick him up. He was a golden retriever-lab mutt at the finest quality :) i made a sculpture of him in my art class in elementary school. he was an outdoor dog.

I was prepared for his death. I had known he was coming close to it for some time but he kept getting new energy. In October 2010 i had another surge of spiritual, monumental life changing experience when i went camping in the nude. at that time Kobe was aging steadily. His back legs were giving him trouble and he had a cough. I had a DEEP emotional thoughts telling me i needed to be with him and help him as a companion and best friend. At the time he had little contact with our family. My dad fed him 2 times a day and on the weekends walked him. I would occasionally be outside with him and play with him. i usually smoked a cigarette and chatted with him. He had been on the back porch alone. No one played with him, not my sisters or mother. I had a sense of guilt that needed repairing. I repaired that hole and closed that karmic cycle. He went out on top.

I had so very much guilt about not being there for him for many years. i had nightmares for weeks/months about him getting injured or me somehow hurting or killing him. I resolved that madness i had by going within. I meditated and was there for him. I played with him all weekends and everyday after work i undressed (as much as possible) and sat outside with him. Me and him, mans best friend. I see it as though today my best friend died. I was with him and he went in good speed, with blessings from allllll over. :'-)

He acted different and emotionless for the past two days, he would just lay there. I slept outside saturday night with him to let him no he wouldn't be alone. Today he fell a few times and lost his energy and sat down and layed against the side of our house in the shade.
Later my dad called me and told me to be with him, he was shaking. I put on my shoes and went to his side. He looked scared but i scratched his head and chest speaking our language to him. He was thankful. He stopped shaking for a while then got worse. My family ate dinner then my father came outside with us and we sat with him talking about his life. my chest was heavy. He had trouble breathing and slowly stopped breathing. It was peaceful, me and my dad held him and cried. the family said goodbye to him and me and my dad drove him away to get creamated after seeing my older sister.

He was a good boy, a good boy. I walked outside in the back, his stomping grounds, and cried realizing he was gone. he wouldn't run around the corner and slobber on me. I went and meditated in the moonlight where he lied and had powerful sensations. he was a good boy :-)
Kobe was my best friend and i will never loose him. His collar hangs in my room.

Thankyou for reading, please send blessings to my father i hope he deals healingly, blessings to my family i will be how i am. I thank those for the support i have been given. I felt and feel an extreme presence of the divine and understand i did my duty. blessed it be.


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