Scans for the Month

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Triad of Consciousness

I came to understand the body/brain seporation from the mind/ego as well as the heart/spirit/HS fuller conscious being. This separation divides the aspects of ourselves we see, think and feel. I am not my body, i am currently inhabiting my body while i am here. If you disagree with that statement or concept then the rest of this will mean little or make no sense, regardless, enjoy :-)

body/brain: the physical matter of flesh, muscle, chemicals, organs, hair. As well as the matter of the brain and its neurotransmitters. Thats all 3D and physical. The brain is like an interface between the mind/ego and above. The brain is made of matter and is like a tool for the things that are not matter, or matter-less.

  • a. mind controls body

Mind/ego: the ego is no enemy, why would we need to kill and enemy in order to ascend? The ego has an important role in our development i believe, it kept me 'safe' from what it saw. The ego's eyes are filled with tears and fears, it cannot see the beauty in its completion without the heart. (not the muscle heart)The ego was useful sure for sometime, but now we may detach him as a friend. We may need him sometimes here and there but instead of killing him, hiding or suppressing him he can just be. A point of reference, and an idea. Maybe think of the ego as a program (to you technoids) a series of outcomes from any given data will always result in the ego responding with fear.
I mentioned the mind as well for they lie in the same bed. The mind is not matter (same as ego), and is very wise and powerful, the brain cant use all of the mind for i believe it to span a much greater distance than our tissue flesh, maybe the mind is infinite. What does the mind do?? The mind may think and compute and problem solve and contemplate and occupy. it doesn't feel, this is the next step up. and the ego IS NOT AN EMEMY!

  • b. mind controls body, consciousness creates mind/ego.

Spirit/Soul/Higher-Self/ Pure Consciousness :
What we are left with is all. The never-ending. The zero point black hole and the white whole. Consciousness has many names it is being at one with all, being at one with the creator source. Consciousness spans past and before infinity and is the ultimate connection to anything of 'substance' this feels, and simply is. Higherself is of our nature at an advanced point, where we will be and become in our full consciousness, we have limited use of our consciousness currently. If you are reading this and are aware of our state of being as fully consciousness then i welcome you to my heart and you are inside with me and all. The spirit and soul can never die, never break or detach from the connectivity of the oneness, or the grid i like to say. The spirit has want for evolution and to lean and grow back into the light. Not just into the light being the oneness and great all, but BACK to the source and being whole with what is. the soul has no negative feelings and loves all. This may incarnate where it has a choice and set agreement and it may reincarnate many times until fulfilled. The act of ascending is becoming one with your inner and upmost desire which flows into and towards love. Describe this however forever it is amazing, all that is not of it is negative, the heart know the truth regardless of how it makes one feel the heart waits and smiles.

  • c. mind controls body, consciousness creates mind/ego. Consciousness is connected to ..more.

i will speak soon of what can make the mind succumb to that will effect the state of consciousness?
what physical acts may we succumb to that will effect the mind/ego and then the state of consciousness?
hint* TV, and booze.

Thankyou for reading this! yay, i wish to elaborate on this topic and into other flavors of it. Much love from me, lovelight, the feminine energies i wish to expand upon and my near friend 11:11, im sure she supports the love.
<3 Thaddeous Knoxford


  1. Karl Popper called this the demarcation problem. In science, or useful knowledge, we can only draw a line between 'this' and 'that' if we can measure 'this' and 'that' by identical means.

    Dan Dennett provided another way to look at your reductionist viewpoint (you are reducing existence into several parts) by first admitting that there were, in fact, not any way to separate the parts into smaller parts. But we could (as you do here) act 'as if' big parts were collections of smaller parts. Using the intentional stance - acting as if the parts had separate intentions that could be preserved 'in small parts'. Claude Benard, the father of scientific medical practice, offered another trope - an ensemble of dispositions. These are nodes of intention but not really actual disparate parts of a whole. These are shifting alliances of fungible sub-stuff. The stuff is really (really, really, really) indivisible but the smaller bits of stuff - to use Dennett's I.S. - act in certain circumstances 'as if' there were smaller parts with only portions of the bigger intention embodied. But just to be clear - there is only a holistic oneness or suchness available in the universe - the universe itself.

  2. mmm yes thanks kirk! i like Claude Benard's take 'an ensemble of dispositions'! thats great. yes i understand and agree with this. Does this make any sense like this. I have many difernt organs (small stuff) but one body? many planets and stardust but one universe?
    ;-P if i was british i would say cheers! but im not..


please speak!!