Scans for the Month

Monday, January 9, 2012

Gaia of Seven Chakras

i didn't draw this

I'm drawing a picture and relating the Seven Body Chakra system to our mommy Gaia. This is from our energetic bodies in comparison with the different levels of mass and matter we encounter when observing our planet as a whole.

Crown Chakra (Sahastrara )
7th- Crown-Consciousness grid/the space atmosphere mesh. our outer ring (ether element)

Third Eye Chakra (Anja)
6th- Third Eye-Sky/wind/lighting/tornado/weather/ pressure (air element)

Throat Chakra (Vishudda)
5th - Throat-The lands/mountains & wildlife, All of earth we walk on. Animals and plants, All the voices of Earth. Volcano's earthquakes, mother nature speaking. (earth element)

Heart Chakra (Anahata)
4th -Heart-The Sea, water ALL water in all bodies and in ocean+river+rain and moisture. the fluid all depths of sea as well (water element)

Solar-Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
3rd - The Mantle, the lava and magma, the molten metals and elements that make up the incredible mass of heat under the seabed. (fire element)

Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)
2nd - The outer core of our planet's inner core. Composed of incredible dense material mostly iron i believe. Everything is close and together and HOT!

Root Chakra (Mualdhara)
1st - The Core of our planet. The iron-nickel crystalline dense magnetic powerhouse! The absolute lowest and most gravitational beginning on our planet and mommy Gaia!

gnarly, we've covered the bases fo sure. We even got the 5 elemental archetypes!! I should draw this in color, but for now we've got a neat correlation of the number seven
#7 is becoming significant to me more and more since the inspiration of receiving a white onyx seven pointed pyramid for xmas,

much love to our mommy
thad, <3

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