Scans for the Month

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the original three

when i was little i had some friends really close ones too. i always had this person who i played with at the time i said oh "tyler" did it and with that i associated his name with any sort of trouble i got into. ha that didnrt last long before my folks realized what they thought was a lie. it was to me then it was also
part of my imagination.

that was it it was a part of my imagination, the key was it was part of me. and it being "tyler" for my name was taylor at the time and it seemed fit.

ive done alot since then and my memories fade away. due to experience, fear, joy and drugs i forgot alot of the core foundations i made which i used to learn how to use my brain. we start young and build ourselves. we become armed with an arsenal of personas,  thought patterns,  language, and our daily maintnence. (this is a core element in how we seporate our lives, in hours, days, weeks, years.)

 our voice may change but the texture of our thoughts wont. or may in the case of drastic incounters.

 what i recalled not too long ago was that i met him. being a lil runt i played outside in the wonder of the world. i caught bugs and climbed trees. slayed pirates and kissed fair madiens. in a land of my dreams and this became my foundation. One moment i will ZERO in on was when i was walking through my parents bedroom to there bathroom and i spilled a glass of water. that moment where i was about to go tell my mom what i did shamefully, even as minute the crime was, i was afraid. i looked in the mirrior and he spoke. tyler told me i failed. he said i was horible and that n o one loved me. he wasnt just a charactor he was a sequencce of emotions mimic-ed after myself and what i percieved my personality to be, in other words who i was, my identity.
looking into his small child face sticks in my head i remember feeling the tile under my bare feet and him smiling crully, yet it was him who suffered .
telling my mother i was sorry was something i could do but i said it was tyler. she told me that was the last of him and she sent me away to my room. crying and throwing stuffed animals at the wall i made a pact with myself. i was a child it was not a promise but my idea was to send him away for HE was to blame or so i lied to myself, but he would never interfere again. the room was quiet besides my sobs. my room had a mirrior. i looked in it once again and i saw myself ZZEERROO

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