Scans for the Month

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday in the SUN sketches


i just wanted to put up two sketches that i drew today. it was beautiful and warm outside, i became sad last night mostly without reason and upon thinking for solutions to get out of it i knew i was worth something even if it was only to make art. good art or bad art, either way i may create. I feel better knowing that i got through that brief dispear for it was sudden and strong. i felt worthless and had no hope.

i ask for any of you with extra love to send me some, im changing and having difficulty balancing and love you in your own efforts. the energy is much appreciated and thoroughly returned. here is another quick sketch that i like.
oh, the first one, above, is just a grid based on cubes and there is an EYE being a whiteness to its construction. a calm blue eye, outlined in red.

this one below is of a humanoid being praying face to the ground. his intent soars out of his thoughts and into matter for whoever looks, may find.

these were off a cell phone so bad quality but the power of wireless connectivity is grand!

i want to make a biggg sketch with of a being made of mostly blue light that sits calmly and thinks loving thoughts to help me. she is pure and warming. she will come to life on paper soon.


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