Scans for the Month

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Self Control

first off some killer news,
i meditated for 6 hours strait...

I fell asleep but thats not the weird thing,
i sat on a recliner in lotus position with a blanket on my lap
my headphones on with some old skool trance DJ on a 45 min mix
It was 11PM and i was going to go to bed but i needed to meditate first.
I closed my eyes after a prayer and went into visuals very quick, practically immediate.
this was a sign i would go deep fast.
I remember a few things and my thoughts slowed down to focus on breath then the act of just being.
the next thing i new i was back to focusing on my breathing and i couldn't remember how long it had been
i wiggled my toes and my finger tips and thought of where i was.
i opened my eyes to see my dark living room and my hands still planted softly on my kneecaps.
i went to pee still confused and then looked at a clock on my way to bed
it said 5AM
!! O_o
hot damn i must have gone into meditation, fallen asleep, went back into a consciess state of meditation and then opened my eyes. without moving an inch or taking off my headphones!!!
that was gnarly and im mind blowed, i have been very relaxed still haahh

Self Control

Control is something we learn over time. Starting as kids our parents discipline us to not hit, or yell, and to be nice. To use our words and behave. 
A big one is walking your walk, and not just talking bull. I see little self control on the roads. People screaming and yelling like animals because they are not getting there way fast enough or at all. People blame others for there current emotional distress, this is dennial, lies, and not looking to heal only to blame and supress.
You will not be happy if you cant control yourself. one of the four agreements (number 2) in the Toltec way of living is..

Don't Take Anything Personally, Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of there own reality, there own dream. When you are immune to there opinion and action of others, you wont be a victim of needless suffering

What do we need to control/maintain??
our actions/behavior,
health both physical and mental,

control is necessary for survival on that basic level. You will always suffer if you are not in control, sometimes its saying no, or accepting. Most people cant control themselves via lashing out, addiction, self hatred, blaming, violence. We cant always control what others do to us but we have the ability to maintain and control how we react, deal with, or change to what life gives us. This goes towards personal growth. 
So forgive others for there bad behavior, don't applaud or antagonize but forgive and love your enemys for they have a full plate when they commit hatred, because at that moment they are out of control and cant handle there feeling so they lash out, or suppress. Nothing is personal because we live in seporation or duality. 
I see no enemy in those who trespass. i forgive you and hope feeling are understood for there true and deeper meanings. Nothing i do is because of you. 

I also turn 20 on monday which will be a full two hands and two feet which only comes once a lifetime :-D
this isn't me but yeah

with LoveLight and ThaddyKizzzy


  1. I will state flatly that the only path I have found to peace is a path to nirvana. Note that dukkha has causal rising. Suffering comes from grasping for control. What is doing the controlling and what is this agent controlling? I can never cross the same river twice. Kirk cannot control the Omega Machine. I can produce imagination and that is what 'i' am here doing with some discipline. There is no permanent or contained self to 'do' control. The eight fold path; the Tao. Practice without belief. Discipline without faith. Just do the damn thing. And 6 hours of meditation is an epic win btw.

  2. We cling to the delusion that the is an "I" or 'self' and that it is busy doing something. It turns out that 'myself' is a contrivance of a mind that is explaining the minds action to a narrator that is always just behind the action giving a meaningful 'self' an outing in the park. The master is walking the dog. Operant conditioning is operant. From Carl Zimmer in Discover -- "Our brains have networks of neurons that weigh the costs and benefits of potential actions.

    "Together these [neural] networks calculate how valuable things are and how far we’ll go to get them, making judgments in hundredths of a second, far from our conscious awareness."

    The agent that wrote this post signs his name as Kirk for the purpose of my autobiography.

  3. Kirk,
    The agent that talks, and types to you my friend is an avatar, TK.
    the self seems to be a piece of "that is.."


please speak!!