Scans for the Month

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sacred Geometry Sketches

Yawwwnnnn i scanned this the other day
im tired now and need to sleep, it's almost tuesday :)

I thought i would upload this to keep 'Surreality' active 
i have been alive but without things to write on
but have good feelings towards you all -_-

This guy i made quickly and i am messing around with only having pieces of man, shape, in the picture. I like hands they have a mind of there own, the shapes on the left..


dual tetrahedron, merkaba, hexagon, platonic solid, icosahedron.


 icosahedron pattern, octagon, eight spheres on flag posts spinning counter-clockwise


Hex, 6 sided shape..i don't know what shape this is but i draw it with a triangle pointing downward with rectangles on all sides then connected with obtuse triangles, 7, 11, 19.


 I like this one :))
Two almost cubes; the part of the cube that intersect are 2D squares, on the 6 sided (cube)(depending on angle) there is a empty space filled in with right triangles. I like the play on blank space and again...i like squares ! <----- dorky yupyup

So in summary i saw eat your words professors and teachers of mine! i learned the shapes and know a thang or two about geometry..i just needed inspiration.

inspiration from the conscious vision of the grid, the matrixes and the planetary grids.

here is a cool pic i found online...


live long and prosper. don't judge unless your judging your egos perception on things. live with love and peace.

thakyou, -TeaKaay
+ sleepiness 


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