Scans for the Month

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Triiiipy Dream Physics

I sleep a lot over the weekends
i slept mostly through saturday this time but had a good time

in my dreams for the past few days have had long very consistent laws apply to my dreams, such as my views on my identity, confidence and awareness of self. Also everyone i know comes from my middle school and high school graduating class. the initial one, they act as though they would have plus a tad newer behaviors shaped from events that have personally shaped me.
Also the COOOOLest part of my dreams lately is how time works :))
it is just like it is now, i have awerness of my previous and next events i will do, my thoughts are coherent. I have enough time to look around listen to conversation, engage and feel bored !
there is no difference in how this linear time passes now (we perceive) than that of my dream. In my dreams i am an exeption, aware i don't belong there due to me being from the waking life, but i see that i don't have to obey all the imposed rules everyone else follows simly being of what people tell or order me to do.
I usually am in some kind of school, and it seems i am not doing my work. im too busy thinking and watching the behavior of the class room.

i told a friendish friend in my dream that the way he was acting was self protective and he was lying to himself and didn't want to think about his ideas could be wrong and that it was okay, we all do that.
 he got mad and i told him that is excatly how he would act, it was usual natural and easeily predictable.
 He blew up and went mental throught the rest of the dream, like his program broke. He couldn't make sense of sentance structure and spoke offensive rambling nonsense.

i also saw i could have been more gentle and less condecending, which i felt regret for.

this is a good totem for me, kirk, in my dream i heard my dad waking up in the kitchen. i was still dreaming but was aware of the waking life. i looked at my watch and new i was dreaming. i saw the hand of time spinning and the face of my watch showed a strange reflection to my sleeping body, my face was snoring and it was like a vortex into reality. i stayed in the dream for a second and decided to wake up.
so my watch will be my decipherer if i am awake or not. it looked way to shimmery and shiny too.

thanks for reading and tomorrow i will have a cool blog from a hike i will go on, it should be very centering and this place is amazing

farewell, lovelight, realms and TeaKayy

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