Scans for the Month

Monday, June 13, 2011

Triumph Over the Usual Synapse Loops

usual behaviors are dependent on what usual is..
usual for man, to have rage, lust, greed, sadness, fear and love
 growing up we learn that others are better than us, and we envy them and resent them.
becoming who we are we separate what we are not.
and dying we may fall suddenly or lie in a bed for eons, but we recollect life as it leaves.

our usual thoughts on the main matters of question, thus being....
why we are here?
what does all this mean?
is there a god?
what happens after death?
what is a dream?
what's in the future?
who am i?

i left out money because it seems to tie in with them all unfortunately 

these questions we need to reconsider, please.
there isn't a right answer in some things but there is a truth and varying degrees of its depth
tonssss of depth
There might not be anything wrong with our current belief about 'what is' but to understand, period, you must view more if not all the possibilities, even the wildly out there ;-)
because what if...what if there is more to it.
if you were wrong, or i have been, or confused and tricked, which we ALL have been at some point.. would you want to know the truth if you were mistaken??

if you choose to never look outside your little box to see if it is better or worse, you *deserve to stay in your box.

It takes courage to leave to leave even the worst of situations, we may become comfortable inside our safe pain, knowing that fear is our protector..!! does this not sound insane!!
leave your insanity behind for if you try, only if you try (never stop) then everything will be okay -_-

this is the universe and no matter what wrongs you have made, or how bad you think you became, remember you are hear to learn and part of learning to walk is to fall down.
the universe and more 'forgives all' for forgiveness has no limit.

this is a ticket to the higher realms of existence which i seek

Total forgiveness and compassion for everything
which is paired with knowledge on understanding a broad truth
freedom from fear, mental clarity, abilities and deepest desire. Together as one.

a fried told me this cool introspective question,
"What would you do today if you had no fear?"

i think if you try and do the answer to that question you work on giving up the fear.

(*)(Deserve in this post focuses on you earned this, thus received this)
from -Lovelight, Tk, healthy body, drive.

1 comment:

  1. Gnarly fractal cube. meaning is shared context. Without someone else to bounce off of - there is no need for meaning. Culture emerged from brains and meaning emerged from minds together with other minds. Why are we here? To imagine.


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